Achelous & Hercules: A strong man, blood mixed with the mighty jove takes the horn of the river god.
Hercules, Deianira, Nessus: Dare to take the mighty hercules wife and be put to death, but take the life of Nessus and have a fate more poisness.
Hercules & Deianira: such a fool to believe in rumors, now you sentence your husband to death, but fear not he will always be in the heavens.
Byblis & Caunus: A sister in love with her brother tries to be with him but is in tears for he will be with his twisted sister and flees as she only to be in sorrow becomes a spring.
Iphis & Ianthe: A girl raised as a boy is in love but love cannot commence among two girls so the gods bless these two and transformed Iphis into a boy.
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