Ever since I can remember I have always been interested about mythology. I went to the library and read Greek mythology; I would look up Greek gods and see who they were and what they did. In high school I took every class of Mr. Parsons because most of his classes were on mythology and the Greek stories, but the only time that I really ever understood mythology instead of just loving the stories was when I came to Sexsons class. Not only did I get to read the stories I got involved with the stories and the very structure of mythology. I learned the depths of myth and what they represented not only to be stories but a way for human beings to look back and see reality. We read about myth and its reality that we do not see every day, the many different cultures that keep mythology as a tradition and a true belief of the beginning. I may not fully awaken but I do know now that I am awakened to myth and seeing everyday signs that other people do not. The last question that was asked by Sexson was what Ovid story relates to you? In my case I think I’m related more to Ceyx & Alcyone, because in my past I had love. I never could be without that person who brought so much contentment in my life, who made my heart be faster and slower at the same time. But a day came were by night I would never see my love no more. Because I did not want to go to a party and the one I will never see again wanted to, so to make peace I said that I would stay while my love could go. But as twilight came I was awakened by my mother to be told that my lover had died from a fire. I could not speak nor cry, every part of my heart was shattered, for days no words escaped my lips. The only sad part is that we cannot be untied by flight. This is the final blog but not the end but a true beginning.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
My One Minute Ovid
Minerva, The Muses, Pegasus
Her brother, until now, had always had Minerva at his side. But now she left. Out from Seriphus, with a hollow cloud to cloak her, passing Gyarus and Cythnus upon her right, she took the shortest course: over the sea, she reached the land of Thebes and Helicon, the Virgin Muses home.
When she had come to rest upon those slopes, she told the learned sisters: "I have heard that you now have a new and wonderous fount on Helicon and it burst out from the ground beneath the winged Pegasus hard hoof. I've come to see this marvel: I was there when from Medusa's blood, that horse was born. Urania replied:" Not matter what has drawn you to our home, you gladden us, O goddess, with your visit. You can trust the news you heard: we owe to Pegasus our new, our sacred, spring." She led the goddess to see the wonder.
And Minerva looked at length at where the waters had sprung up beneath the horses hoof, when it struck hard. And then her eyes took in the ancient forests, the inmost groves, the grottoes, and the flowers those countless points of color in the meadows. She said the daughters of Mnemosyne, in what they did and where they lived, were blessed.
Info that i found about Pegasus:
- They got the fount from Pegasus because he was so happy he struck his hoof.
- His name is derived from varient of the greek word "pege" which means spring or fountian and form "sus" is pre-greek in origin it means bridled hoarse referring to the figure head of a ship. thus Pegasus can literally mean "fountian Horse".
- son of medusa and poseidon
- Mounted by Perseus, who flew over the sea to slay the sea dragon Letus.
- taken by god athena to Mt. Helicon to be reared by the Muses.
- Insperation of the Muses especially Urania his nursemaid.
- Occasionally mounted by Eos and Apollo
- Beared Zeus' divine lightening bolts
- Earthly and Heavenly deeds honored with a memorial in the heavens his very own constellation.
have you ever thought that when you have a child you would name it after a greek god or anything mythological for that matter?
have you ever wondered how many names there are in greek mythology? i found a link full of myth names that you can name your baby check them out maybe you would like to name your baby after a hero or a god.http://www.babynameguide.com/categorymythology.asp?strCat=Mythology
have you ever wondered how many names there are in greek mythology? i found a link full of myth names that you can name your baby check them out maybe you would like to name your baby after a hero or a god.http://www.babynameguide.com/categorymythology.asp?strCat=Mythology
Monday, November 22, 2010
term paper
The Rain Kings Mythical design
In the modern world of today people go through their daily lives never noticing what is around them, but we have to remember that many cultures were once primitive. Different tribes once believed that they had to have ritual sacrifices to have good crops, others had to have old stories told while reenacting them so as to recreate the histories of their past and to teach human behavior and within that fact “bring value to life” (2, Elliad). What people don’t know is that the stories and once primitive life style is still among us till this day. Through animals, nature, other places across the globe, poetry, and books, mythological and primitive life is shown throughout the ages, but what about today’s world? This is where the small details come into play. One example is the book Henderson the Rain King by Saul Bellow. Through the journey of Mr. Henderson mythological structure, mythical representation in the main character and the primitive mythological life style of two cultures will show that even in modern society there still lives mythology.
Mythological structure is split into three different parts: Beginning, middle, and end. To be more in depth beginning is of a creation or harmony; middle is war fare and pain; and the end is either a revelation or an apocalypse. In this case the book begins with him talking of how he decided to go to Africa in the first place. He then goes back to the beginning, even though it’s brief he still addresses the time when he was born “At birth I weighed fourteen pounds and it was a tough delivery. Then I grew up.”(Henderson, 4). He then goes on, telling of his quick history of what he did when growing up. The middle of the mythology structure is basically suffering, his wife Lily one day addresses him about it “Gene when you suffer you suffer harder than any person I ever saw.” She had to smile, and not about my suffering, of course, but the way I went about suffering” (Henderson, 33). In this paragraph he even thinks to himself about his own suffering. When he finally goes to Africa and meets a primitive tribe he also mentions his suffering “It’s too bad, but suffering is about the only reliable burster of the spirit’s sleep” (Henderson, 78). The end is of a revelation or an apocalypse and always in a story like this it’s about a revelation. In the end of the book he finally realizes that he loves Lily and his children “One thing however I kept saying to myself and telling Romilayu, and this was that I had to get back to Lily and the children” (Henderson, 328). He then has a revelation about his connection with an old bear named Smolak “But most of the time I lived not with horses but with Smolak, and this poor creature and I were very close. So before pigs ever came on my horizon, I received a deep impression from a bear” (Henderson, 338). He was talking of how you connect with an animal like how Dahfu connected with his lion Atti. In short, he experienced a remarkable transformation simply explained by T.S Eliot “We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know it for the first time” (Little Gidding). When looking at the book it’s simple to see that it has mythical structure within its pages you just have to know the basics of mythology beginning, middle, and end.
The representation of Henderson in a mythological form can mostly be explained by Joseph Campbell in The Hero with a Thousand Faces. He explains that a hero’s journey goes through a sequence: adventure, the mentor, and the threshold. In Henderson’s case even though he is a jerk in the beginning he shows the three stages: going to Africa to solve the “I want” (adventure), meeting Dahfu (mentor), and finally revelation about his life (threshold). In the book these stages are clearly stated if looking closely at the words written. As a hero he is mostly similar to Hercules, in mythology Hercules is known for his rash ways of making decisions, his short temper, the journey of sacrifices and suffering, but also his strength and courage. Henderson is also rash when making decisions, one example is when he decided to blow up the frogs in the Arnewi tribe. In the end even though warned by his trusty companion Romilayu, he ended up destroying their water supply and had to leave the tribe. This adds on to Henderson’s suffering. Since the beginning of his life he has always struggled and suffered because of his family issues, his relationship with his wife and children, and with his “I want”. He then has a short fuse when it comes to dark situations like entering the new tribe Wariri when he was sleeping with a dead corpse “I tried to consult with myself as to what I should do, but I could not make sense, the reason being that I was becoming offended and angry”(Henderson, 136). Becoming rash again he takes the corpse and dumps it to show them that they couldn’t do this to him. Last was his strength, many times he has shown his strength and dedication when out in Africa, an example is when he had to wrestle with Prince Itelo, even though younger and more athletic Henderson rose to the challenge and defeated the prince. Another time was when he wanted to move the goddess statue Mummah, a heavy statue that would bring rain if it was moved. Once king Dahfu accepted Henderson’s offer of moving Mummah he was able to lift Mummah and move her with the other gods. In the end he made it out of the savage tribe and out of Africa because of his courage taking along with him the lion Dahfu. Henderson relates to a hero’s tale but also similar to a famous hero Hercules, showing that the main character is in a mythical representation of a hero adventure.
In the book it shows the most primitive mythological life styles of two cultures. Through Henderson’s quest of curing his “I want, I want, I want” he comes in contact with the two most exclusive non-inhabited of modern society tribes: the Arnewi and the Wariri. In these two tribes it shows rituals and traditions among the people that Henderson has come to admire. The first tribe that he came in contact with was the Arnewi, when he enters he sees everyone crying with their cows soon finding out by the prince and the queen that all of them are vegetarians and the cow is their sacred animal. When they meet death the owners have to eat the cow which brings them sadness, but although this is happening he finds out that everyone is peaceful and they all live in a sort of paradise. He then meets the queen showing their traditions with their hospitality “In short, this was a special mark of the old lady’s favor. Itelo protruded his lips to show that I was expected to kiss her belly” (Henderson, 74). But once he destroyed their water he made his way to the Wariri. Which became the exact opposite of the Arnewi tribe, instead of seeing green they we’re in this desert, instead of having hospitality they slept in a hut with a dead corpse. But soon after meeting the king he came to form a friendship and sense of hesitance about their traditions. The reason why was because of the death of the king, Dahfu then explains his fate
These same ladies, so inordinate of attention, will report me and then the Bunam who is chief priest here, with other priests of the association, will convey me out into the bush and there I will be strangled… The priest will attend until a maggot is seen upon my dead person and he will wrap it in silk… declaring it to be the king’s soul, my soul… he will carry to town a lion’s cub, explaining that the maggot has now experienced a conversion into a lion (Henderson, 157).
This is metempsychosis of a king and is also said in James G. Frazer’s The Golden Bough “The man-god must be killed as soon as he shows symptoms that his powers are beginning to fail, and his soul must be transferred to a vigorous successor before it has been seriously impaired by the threatened decay”(Golden Bough 309). But what wasn’t told was that of the duty of the rain king. If king dahfu should die the rain king would become king. If he knew of that small detail he would have never lifted the statue of Mummah another tradition among the Wariri. In Henderson’s modern day that he lived in, he still was able to find primitive tribes that showed mythology at its finest; showing traditions and rituals that bring back a mythical sense of life.
Henderson’s journey brought a lot of the mythical elements into play to make an interesting outcome of his revelation. Through his path the mythological structure, representation of mythology in the character, and the primitive mythological life style of two cultures showed that even in modern society there is still a living and breathing mythical world out there. So in the end if people would look at the world in its truest form they would see the stories of how things came to be and the traditions that were never lost but just forgotten. The world might think that myth is not a part of reality but in the words of Elliad “Myths not an escape from reality but a safe passage to reality.”
help me
hey i need help i cant remember what page in eliad that he said "myths not an escape from reality but a safe passage to reality." was that even in the book? help please
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The End of The World!!
Ok, wierd dream of my life didnt plan for it; actually ive been having alot of dreams but i thought this was more important since it was basically civilization ending. it doesnt actually start form the beginning but somehow i ended up in the back of a jeep, while my mom and oldest sister were in the front with a group of strangers. I dont know how it came to be, but i was the leader of the group and we were trying to stay alive from zombies. Every now and then they would spot us in the jeep and i would have to snipe them out but then a hole bunch maybe 20 to 25 of them came at us from all sides. We had to ditch the jeep and so we all got out and starting shooting i took lead and we lost a couple of people on the way (but not my mom or my sister thank god). anyway for my dream of course i was good i just kept on walking and shot zombies left and right and always had a perfect shot in the head. well we finally got out and into an abandon mini mall parking lot. we were walking until i saw my sister wasnt with us and i turned she was changing her high heels for flip flops. i said " you couldnt fine any better foot wear then flip flops" she then said " its not like we stopped at famous footwear" we then both smiled at each other then i woke up. i wish i new what because thats usually the moment when something bad happens. to bad i dont know how it ends...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Book 12 and the 5 sentences
Iphigenia: all are at war, troy and the greeks. the greeks wanting to sail cannot but than see a prophecy of the trojan war, finally they know what they must do to calm the waters to sacrifice, Iphigenia to Diana, but she is saved and replaced with a deer. Now they sail to troy.
Achilles & Cycnus: Both fight for victory, Cycnus seems unscathed but soon is in hand in hand comback with Achilles soon revealing his weakness and Achilles claiming victory.
Caenis/Caenus: Raped by Neptune is granted one wish, she not wanting to suffer again asks to be a man. wish granted with an extra perk to never be hurt by iron weapons.
Cyllarus: A handsome centaur that his loved by his wife Hylonome, fight side by side in the wedding of Pirithous and Hippodame. Cyllarus is struck and dies while his wife gives him one last kiss and kills herself with the same spier that took his life.
Death of Achilles: ten years passed and neptune seeks revenge for the death of hector. so Apollo is asked to take this task and makes paris take the death of achilles.
Achilles & Cycnus: Both fight for victory, Cycnus seems unscathed but soon is in hand in hand comback with Achilles soon revealing his weakness and Achilles claiming victory.
Caenis/Caenus: Raped by Neptune is granted one wish, she not wanting to suffer again asks to be a man. wish granted with an extra perk to never be hurt by iron weapons.
Cyllarus: A handsome centaur that his loved by his wife Hylonome, fight side by side in the wedding of Pirithous and Hippodame. Cyllarus is struck and dies while his wife gives him one last kiss and kills herself with the same spier that took his life.
Death of Achilles: ten years passed and neptune seeks revenge for the death of hector. so Apollo is asked to take this task and makes paris take the death of achilles.
Book 11 and the 5 sentences
Midas: a foolish man to ask for a golden touch but even more foolish to say the god Apollo was no match for pan now has ears of a jackass.
Troy: Fail once to pay a god in gold and have your walls fall, but fail again to pay for one such as Hercules and be ruled by the man you did not pay.
Peleus & Thetis: a prophecy fortold brings a mortal like Peleus to wed such a goddess like thetis from the help of another god to tie her up during transformation.
The Wolf: Peleus being punished asked for forgivness and not until his wife convinced Psamathe that the blood guilt was cleansed.
Ceyx & Alcyone: a man with a mission sails to find an oracle while the wife relented and asked for him to stay only gave her words of comfort and of coming back. But he dies when in sail, juno so sad and to see of his wife not knowing asks for the king of sleep to tell her of her husbands death. finding out goes to shore and sees his body finally home and before the story ends they turn to birds having everlasting love.
Troy: Fail once to pay a god in gold and have your walls fall, but fail again to pay for one such as Hercules and be ruled by the man you did not pay.
Peleus & Thetis: a prophecy fortold brings a mortal like Peleus to wed such a goddess like thetis from the help of another god to tie her up during transformation.
The Wolf: Peleus being punished asked for forgivness and not until his wife convinced Psamathe that the blood guilt was cleansed.
Ceyx & Alcyone: a man with a mission sails to find an oracle while the wife relented and asked for him to stay only gave her words of comfort and of coming back. But he dies when in sail, juno so sad and to see of his wife not knowing asks for the king of sleep to tell her of her husbands death. finding out goes to shore and sees his body finally home and before the story ends they turn to birds having everlasting love.
Book 10 and the 5 sentences
Orpheus & Eurydice: Sad day comes to orpheus when his wife is struck with venom but even more when he loses her to hades when they where close to the light.
Cyparissus: a favorite to apollo accidently kills a sacred stag and he wished for death but instead was turned to a tree that was under the charm of Orpheus.
Ganymede: such a boy to catch the eyes of jove spends his days up in heaven pouring the mighty jove his drinks.
Hyacinthus: Another Favorite to Apollo died from the throwing of Apollos discus and made into a flower.
The Propoetides: say Venus is not a goddess and become a prostitute.
Cyparissus: a favorite to apollo accidently kills a sacred stag and he wished for death but instead was turned to a tree that was under the charm of Orpheus.
Ganymede: such a boy to catch the eyes of jove spends his days up in heaven pouring the mighty jove his drinks.
Hyacinthus: Another Favorite to Apollo died from the throwing of Apollos discus and made into a flower.
The Propoetides: say Venus is not a goddess and become a prostitute.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Book 9 and the 5 sentences
Achelous & Hercules: A strong man, blood mixed with the mighty jove takes the horn of the river god.
Hercules, Deianira, Nessus: Dare to take the mighty hercules wife and be put to death, but take the life of Nessus and have a fate more poisness.
Hercules & Deianira: such a fool to believe in rumors, now you sentence your husband to death, but fear not he will always be in the heavens.
Byblis & Caunus: A sister in love with her brother tries to be with him but is in tears for he will be with his twisted sister and flees as she only to be in sorrow becomes a spring.
Iphis & Ianthe: A girl raised as a boy is in love but love cannot commence among two girls so the gods bless these two and transformed Iphis into a boy.
Hercules, Deianira, Nessus: Dare to take the mighty hercules wife and be put to death, but take the life of Nessus and have a fate more poisness.
Hercules & Deianira: such a fool to believe in rumors, now you sentence your husband to death, but fear not he will always be in the heavens.
Byblis & Caunus: A sister in love with her brother tries to be with him but is in tears for he will be with his twisted sister and flees as she only to be in sorrow becomes a spring.
Iphis & Ianthe: A girl raised as a boy is in love but love cannot commence among two girls so the gods bless these two and transformed Iphis into a boy.

Book 8 and the 5 sentences
Scylla, Nisus, Minos: The treachery of Scylla brings Minos to run home while the Osprey tries with his might to bring Scylla into the ocean to drown.
Daedalus & Icarus: Such an inventor to create such wings but to trustful to have his son bear his own, now Icarus is dead and all thats left is the isle Icaria.
Daedalus & Perdix: Perdix now a partridge laughs at the inventor who was so foolish, he shouldve been more nicer to the inventor of the saw.
Althaea & Meleager: So much pain in a mothers heart to bear such treachery from a son to kill her two brothers burns him in the fire to have peace.
Baucis & Philemon: Two old lovers who are kind to strangers become temple guards for the strangers see there kindness and reveal themselves as gods, happy until there everlasting breath both become trees.
Daedalus & Icarus: Such an inventor to create such wings but to trustful to have his son bear his own, now Icarus is dead and all thats left is the isle Icaria.
Daedalus & Perdix: Perdix now a partridge laughs at the inventor who was so foolish, he shouldve been more nicer to the inventor of the saw.
Althaea & Meleager: So much pain in a mothers heart to bear such treachery from a son to kill her two brothers burns him in the fire to have peace.
Baucis & Philemon: Two old lovers who are kind to strangers become temple guards for the strangers see there kindness and reveal themselves as gods, happy until there everlasting breath both become trees.

Sublime Day
I really cant think of any sublime days in my adulthood but i do have one when i was a child.
So my mom and dad took us out for a camping trip, and i was about 8 years old; on the last day i was exploring the woods and my entire family left me but obviously i didnt know that so i was still exploring. Well it was the second day that i was alone and out by myself exploring and i was fine, loving the trees, eating huckleberry's that i found, and just having a blast when i saw a wolf cub approach me. i just sat there while he sat 2 ft away from me messing around and he started howling and i thought well thats cute and i got up to explore again, i was also really hungry. That night i was found by the search party that my mom got together and i told them what happend with the cub; they were shocked and suprised about what they heard and they were all glad that i didnt touch the cub. but i really didnt care i was just exploring... those two days were sublime.
So my mom and dad took us out for a camping trip, and i was about 8 years old; on the last day i was exploring the woods and my entire family left me but obviously i didnt know that so i was still exploring. Well it was the second day that i was alone and out by myself exploring and i was fine, loving the trees, eating huckleberry's that i found, and just having a blast when i saw a wolf cub approach me. i just sat there while he sat 2 ft away from me messing around and he started howling and i thought well thats cute and i got up to explore again, i was also really hungry. That night i was found by the search party that my mom got together and i told them what happend with the cub; they were shocked and suprised about what they heard and they were all glad that i didnt touch the cub. but i really didnt care i was just exploring... those two days were sublime.
Friday, October 15, 2010
3 clues of something mythological
1) yesterday i was walking outside along the creek just heading back to the dorm when i looked over and i saw this little boy stareing into the water of the creek. this boy was so fascinated with his reflection that when his mom tried to tell him it was time to go he threw a really huge fit which was entertaining but during that moment of him stareing at his reflection i thought about Narcissus & Echo, and how he was just wowed by his own reflection.
2) I thought it was pretty cool when my mom sent me a text of the next clue. She sent me a pic message of a Guy makeing "love" with a tree it was really funny but so wrong if i told you what it said, anyway i just thought of all the guys that fell in love with a girl that transformed into a tree because they didnt want to be with them like Pan and Apollo. really funny :).
3) So this last clue happend today when i was with a friend throughout the time we hung out 5 times in five different places we heard Achilles Last Stand by Led Zepplin. I can't tell if this is supposed to be a reference to Greek mythology or another analogy of the band as warriors, like Immigrant Song. There is more than one reference to Greek myth (Achilles, Atlas, the beginning lyrics that somewhat correspond to events in the Iliad, and the 'wondering and wandering' part that could be about the Odyssey) but maybe it just got its title from Robert's foot.
2) I thought it was pretty cool when my mom sent me a text of the next clue. She sent me a pic message of a Guy makeing "love" with a tree it was really funny but so wrong if i told you what it said, anyway i just thought of all the guys that fell in love with a girl that transformed into a tree because they didnt want to be with them like Pan and Apollo. really funny :).
3) So this last clue happend today when i was with a friend throughout the time we hung out 5 times in five different places we heard Achilles Last Stand by Led Zepplin. I can't tell if this is supposed to be a reference to Greek mythology or another analogy of the band as warriors, like Immigrant Song. There is more than one reference to Greek myth (Achilles, Atlas, the beginning lyrics that somewhat correspond to events in the Iliad, and the 'wondering and wandering' part that could be about the Odyssey) but maybe it just got its title from Robert's foot.
My Bad Day
For those of you who do not know this (probably the whole entire class) but i am bipolar II. everyday is a bad day but this one day in particular still pains me.
Wednesday was a BAD DAY, i woke up late and had to go to class in 5 minutes got there in 20 minutes so i did not understand the assignment; then i slipt and fell on my way to the next class and got mud all over me, after that my trust was betrayed by people that i confided in. Then i lost 5 dollars that i had left so now i wasnt able to go eat before i went to bed. this day sucked.... i wish i could forget.
Wednesday was a BAD DAY, i woke up late and had to go to class in 5 minutes got there in 20 minutes so i did not understand the assignment; then i slipt and fell on my way to the next class and got mud all over me, after that my trust was betrayed by people that i confided in. Then i lost 5 dollars that i had left so now i wasnt able to go eat before i went to bed. this day sucked.... i wish i could forget.
Book 7 and the 5 sentences
Medea & Jason: A golden fleece Jason only desires but instead of leaving with one treasure he leaves with 2 and the other is... Medea.
Medea & Aeson: a favor for her lover makes his father young again through the draining of blood and a drink of a potion.
Medea & Pelias: Medea so cunning to trick the daughters of Pelias to drain him of blood but not to have a drink of potion.
Theseus & Aegeus: A father who did not recognize his own son was to be poisioned by his wife but luck struck the father for he saw the family crest which Theseus held dear.
Minos: The death of his son brought grief but also revenge against Athens, he made many allies to strike down Athens but one. Aegina was to stay with Athens cause the king allied with them.
Medea & Aeson: a favor for her lover makes his father young again through the draining of blood and a drink of a potion.
Medea & Pelias: Medea so cunning to trick the daughters of Pelias to drain him of blood but not to have a drink of potion.
Theseus & Aegeus: A father who did not recognize his own son was to be poisioned by his wife but luck struck the father for he saw the family crest which Theseus held dear.
Minos: The death of his son brought grief but also revenge against Athens, he made many allies to strike down Athens but one. Aegina was to stay with Athens cause the king allied with them.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Book 6 and the 5 sentences

Arachne: Such a talented girl but so ignorant to say she was better then Athena because if you beat the god you will have to deal with such a consequence like being a spider.
Niobe: Another story of such ignorance and pride to say she was better then Latona because of the 14 children she had, tooken away all 14 died and all Niobe could do was turn to marble, but still can cry.
Latona & the Lycian Peasants: Such fools to say no to Latona for just a drink of water would have prevented them turning to amphibians.
Marsyas: Satyr why so foolish to challenge apollo for now he ripped your skin and made you bleed in to a river forever known as Marsyas.
Boreas & Orithyia: Such an angel to fall in love with Orithyia to bear two winged sons that would in the future journey with the argonauts.
Book 5 and the 5 sentences
Perseus & Phineus: Dare to take the wife of perseus and turn to stone from the cold eyes of Medusa's head.
Minerva, the Muses, Pegasus: Now the gathering of the Muses and the goddess of war take place upon the spring of pegasus hoof to tell the stories of there time.
Pyreneus: A mad man tries to take hold of the Muses but they do not fear but watch as he leaps to his death.
The Pierides: Challenge the Muses they should of stayed away but did not so the seven turned to magpies.
Ceres & Proserpina: she is the cause for weather to change for six months cause of the decieving acts of hades and the love of her mother.
Minerva, the Muses, Pegasus: Now the gathering of the Muses and the goddess of war take place upon the spring of pegasus hoof to tell the stories of there time.
Pyreneus: A mad man tries to take hold of the Muses but they do not fear but watch as he leaps to his death.
The Pierides: Challenge the Muses they should of stayed away but did not so the seven turned to magpies.
Ceres & Proserpina: she is the cause for weather to change for six months cause of the decieving acts of hades and the love of her mother.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Book 4 and the 5 sentences
Pyramus and Thebes: The love of two lovers ends so quickly but creates the color of an everlasting tree, the mulberry tree.
Mars, Venus, Vulcan, the Sun: Caught by Vulcan, Venus and Mars are trapped and mocked for such foul play.
Salmacis and Hermaphrodite: She was in love with him but he did not love her. so for them to be together the two became one.
Cadmus and Harmonia: Such sorrow was felt in the heart of cadmus that he wished to be a snake and so harmonia joined him and they both slithered away never to disturb anyone again.
Perseus and Andromeda: Perseus in flight saw a beautiful maiden chained and so vowed to save her by slaying of the sea monster.
Mars, Venus, Vulcan, the Sun: Caught by Vulcan, Venus and Mars are trapped and mocked for such foul play.
Salmacis and Hermaphrodite: She was in love with him but he did not love her. so for them to be together the two became one.
Cadmus and Harmonia: Such sorrow was felt in the heart of cadmus that he wished to be a snake and so harmonia joined him and they both slithered away never to disturb anyone again.
Perseus and Andromeda: Perseus in flight saw a beautiful maiden chained and so vowed to save her by slaying of the sea monster.

Book 3 and the 5 sentences
Cadmus: Exhiled from his fathers home found a new because of a cow. he made men by the planting of snakes teeth and so Thebes was born.
Acteaeon: do not look upon such a beauty or horns will sprout and you'll be chased by dogs.
Semele: in love with jove, but wasnt wise enough not to ask to look upon the true significance of jove and so perished but sprouted out of the ashes and into joves thigh a baby name Bacchus.
Tiresias: once a man and once a woman he shouldve chose the side of juno for now he is blind but has the gift of prophecy.
Pentheus: Such a foolish man to deny the god Bacchus. cause he became in the image of his worshippers a boar and was sporagmos.
Acteaeon: do not look upon such a beauty or horns will sprout and you'll be chased by dogs.
Semele: in love with jove, but wasnt wise enough not to ask to look upon the true significance of jove and so perished but sprouted out of the ashes and into joves thigh a baby name Bacchus.
Tiresias: once a man and once a woman he shouldve chose the side of juno for now he is blind but has the gift of prophecy.
Pentheus: Such a foolish man to deny the god Bacchus. cause he became in the image of his worshippers a boar and was sporagmos.

Book 2 and the 5 sentences
Phaethon: Fire destroys all things in this boys chariot so zeus smites him down. but in the end of phaethon all are in more sorrow.
Callisto: Diana's nymph rapped by jove lost all and turned into a bear but gained something greater... a son.
Battus: mercury gives a heavy heart to the one that betrays so for warn do not become a chatterbox or your heart will turn to stone.
Mercury, Herse, Aglauros: do not live with such a stained hatred or one day full of jealousy mercury will turn you to stone and you will turn black for the hatred you keep.
Europa and Jove: Such a beautiful bull shouldnt be trusted or you will be carried out to see.
Callisto: Diana's nymph rapped by jove lost all and turned into a bear but gained something greater... a son.
Battus: mercury gives a heavy heart to the one that betrays so for warn do not become a chatterbox or your heart will turn to stone.
Mercury, Herse, Aglauros: do not live with such a stained hatred or one day full of jealousy mercury will turn you to stone and you will turn black for the hatred you keep.
Europa and Jove: Such a beautiful bull shouldnt be trusted or you will be carried out to see.

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Book 1 and the 5 sentences
Io & Jove: The sorrow of a heifer for she did no wrong, but remains in her non-human form.
Syrinx: The only man who knew how to play beautiful melodies with a womans body.
Apollo & Daphne: Do not anger Cupid, or he will strike you with his arrow and soon you will feel first hand to be the hunted instead of the hunter.
Lycaon: One man, in a shape of a wolf, decided the fate of the world.
Deucalion & Pyrrha: The fate of mankind rests in the hands of the last remaining two.
Syrinx: The only man who knew how to play beautiful melodies with a womans body.
Apollo & Daphne: Do not anger Cupid, or he will strike you with his arrow and soon you will feel first hand to be the hunted instead of the hunter.
Lycaon: One man, in a shape of a wolf, decided the fate of the world.
Deucalion & Pyrrha: The fate of mankind rests in the hands of the last remaining two.

Saving the Rain Forest
I dont think i'll be able to go and take a picture with a tree because i am to busy to take the time of posing and hugging the tree.... i would just get to into it so heres a link of someone who is really in love with a tree.
I dont think i'll be able to go and take a picture with a tree because i am to busy to take the time of posing and hugging the tree.... i would just get to into it so heres a link of someone who is really in love with a tree.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Lists of Gods names in Greek and Roman
Major Gods and Goddesses | |
Greek | Roman |
Aphrodite | Venus |
Apollo | Apollo |
Ares | Mars |
Artemis | Diana |
Athena | Minerva |
Demeter | Ceres |
Hades | Pluto [conventionally or for a trivia question, but really Pluto, a god of wealth, is the equivalent of a god of wealth called Dis] |
Hephaistos | Vulcan |
Hera | Juno |
Hermes | Mercury |
Hestia | Vesta |
Kronos | Saturn |
Persephone | Proserpina |
Poseidon | Neptune |
Zeus | Jupiter |
Minor Gods with Greek or English name on the left and Latin on the right | |
Erinyes / Eumenides (Furies / Kindly Ones) | Dirae / Furiae |
Eris | Discordia |
Eros | Cupid |
Moirai (Fates) | Moirae / Parcae |
Charites (Graces) | Gratiae |
Helios | Sol |
Horai (Seasons) | Horae |
Pan | Faunus |
Tyche | Fortuna |
images Book 4 Metamorphoses of Ovid
This is all i read so far so these are all the images im goint to post until i read more of Metamorphoses of Ovid.
Pyramus & Thisbe
Cadmus & Harmonia
Perseus & Andromeda
Perseus & Medusa
Myth and Reality Chp. 7


Now bear with me i dont have an iq of a genuis but ill try to write about chp. 7 in Myth and Reality.
In the chapter it talks about memory and forgetfulness and starts off with the story of Matsyendranath and Gorakhnath, i will not tell the story in my blog since everyone should have read it and know the jist of the story, but i will take a excerpt from the story after Matsyendranath remembers his true identity.
"he understands that the 'way of the flesh' leads to death, that his 'oblivion' was, basically, forgetfulness of his true and immortal nature, and that the 'charms' of Kadali represent the mirages of profane life (115)."
so what i processed out of this was that in our human forms we forget our true selfs which is a sin to what we really are and as soon as we remember our true identity then thats when we will become our true selfs; the cause for our forgetfulness is being 'reborn in life' and once that life has ended or we realize and remember or also anamnesis, thats when we finally see who we really are.
After this story we talk about the indians and their images of forgetting and remembering leading to 'sleeping' as being equal to as 'forgetting' so then the story of the blindfolded man is told telling of ignorance that will make you forget of your true self. "His eyes are freed from the bandage of illusion created by ignorance...(117)." When reading this i thought that ignorance was also another way of forgetting and sleeping because your are ignorant of oneself so then blocking you from you true self also.
Then it talks about greek mythology of memory and forgetfulness talking of people who have "prefect memory" to have the ability to recollect. After, they talk about the Goddess Mnesmosyne which in greek means "Memory" and talking of the muses that help artist with there creations. which then leads to the discussion of death in mythology and how its another way of losing memory because the memories of the souls in hades are being kept in the fountion of Lethe. But then they tell of how its reversed and how " The soul newly freed from the body no longer finds in its waters forgetfulness of earthly life (121)."
Towards the end we get a philosphical point of view with plato and how he believes that "living intellegently, that is, learning to know and knowing the true, the beautiful, and the good, is above all remembering a disincarnate, purely spiritual existance (125)." which i thought meant if we learn about history and events and systems of other things from things that live on earth and to the things we make we truelly remember of our true selfs. which brought me to this last excerpt "philosophical anamnesis does not recover the memory of the events belonging to former lives, but of truths, that is, the structure of the real(125)."
Now we come to the end... what i got from this whole entire chapter is this, ignorance, sleeping, forgetfulness blocks humans from knowing there true selfs losing who we are until we remember who we once were and in some cases we can if we just remember and have Knowledge; to not be blinded or oblivious to the fact that we lost who we trully are.... or be finally freed when we die.... its our choice.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The Dream
Ok so im doing this blog early because i know i will forget if i dont quickly write what i dreamt about like five minutes ago. I dont understand it but its a dream that i dont want to forget.
My dream starts with me standing in the forest at night, everything is so beautiful... peaceful... and calm. It's neither warm nor cold and all i see is the waterfall, the sparkling water shimmering and dancing. I then look harder into the forest and i see a woman in a white dress. the weird thing is i see her body but i cant make out her face because it was hidden from the trees and the only light we had was the moon and stars. But even then you couldn't even imagine her with a more beautiful face because of her body, her body was so beautiful. I wanted to walk towards her but i was forced to stay, she then took her hand and held it out to me, i knew she wanted me to go over there but i couldnt. She then stopped and spoke(she had the most beautiful voice) "im not losing you again" as soon as she said that she started walking towards me, i am almost about to see her face but then...... i woke up.
I still cant understand it, this dream was so vivid and unimaginable. All i know is that all day im going to be thinking about her and trying to imagine a face... i bet that the face i imagine wont even come close to the girl in the dream. i bet words cant even describe how beautiful she is. anyway i thought i should put this dream down cause it the first one i had in two weeks. lets hope i dream about it again.
P.S. the girl in my dream didnt have blond hair but this picture best depicts what im trying to aim for cause i couldnt find a girl with a white dress in the woods. who knew.
My dream starts with me standing in the forest at night, everything is so beautiful... peaceful... and calm. It's neither warm nor cold and all i see is the waterfall, the sparkling water shimmering and dancing. I then look harder into the forest and i see a woman in a white dress. the weird thing is i see her body but i cant make out her face because it was hidden from the trees and the only light we had was the moon and stars. But even then you couldn't even imagine her with a more beautiful face because of her body, her body was so beautiful. I wanted to walk towards her but i was forced to stay, she then took her hand and held it out to me, i knew she wanted me to go over there but i couldnt. She then stopped and spoke(she had the most beautiful voice) "im not losing you again" as soon as she said that she started walking towards me, i am almost about to see her face but then...... i woke up.
I still cant understand it, this dream was so vivid and unimaginable. All i know is that all day im going to be thinking about her and trying to imagine a face... i bet that the face i imagine wont even come close to the girl in the dream. i bet words cant even describe how beautiful she is. anyway i thought i should put this dream down cause it the first one i had in two weeks. lets hope i dream about it again.

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Its a bird, no its a plane, no its... (what i think about tristan heads blog)



I decided to talk about Tristan Head's blog about Superman, first because he is my all time favorite superhero; second because if you think about it superman is very mythological.
In Myth and Reality it says the myth "supplies models for human behavior and, by that very fact, gives meaning and value to life". Superman has been doin this since 1938; countless of comics, radio shows, and episodes have been teaching millions about moral values and the good in people, little kids act like superman and value what he represents. In other words people all across the world love superman and what he is.
Myths talk about the beginning of things usually about a supernatural being(s). Now even though kryptonians didnt create the earth or anything like that superman is the beginning; he comes from krypton known as Kal- El but then comes to earth and is found by the Kents and soon is known as Clark Kent this is his beginning and basically the worlds beginning since he was sent to earth to help humans. He is also a supernatural being with abilities (x-ray vision, speed, super hearing, flying) that help him through his journey of becoming Superman.
Knowledge and the repeating of a mythological event are very important to myths. Superman carries knowledge not only from the world he lived in but also from his father Jor-El creating the fortress of solitude a sanctuary of kryptonian heritage where he gaines an infinite amount of knowledge so he may teach to humans on earth. The repeating of a mythlogical event, well Tristan and countless of other kids pretend and act out stories of supermans heroic adventures and moral stories. So kids everyday act out a ceremonial event based on the myths of Superman.
Last but not least mythology has a beginning, middle, and an end. Supermans beginning is living in Krypton (paradise) having to leave the planet before its destroyed. He than is sent to earth and is raised by the Kents; when he gets older over time he learns that the world is chaos and destructive and that humans need his help, this would be the middle of supermans mythology. The end is him finally saving the world which hasnt happend yet in the comic nor television world but is said to happen in a prophecy.
So thus coming to the conclusion of superman, i apologize for being a nerd but he is a myth to me that is. Tristan probably didnt know he was reciting or acting in a ceremonial recreation of superman so i would like to leave off with nice blog Tristan Head and thanks for giving me a topic to blog about.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Salish Creation Story


I thought i should post my creation story just incase you guys want to read it or whatever.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
First Memory of My Beginning
My memory of the beginning was when i lived in Pablo MT in 1993. I was three years old and i remember playing with my cousins in the back yard in the tree house; it was a beautiful day everything was green and full of life. My cousins and I were playing so many games, i remember when we were pirates in the caribbean, people in a haunted house, the lost boys ( yes i wanted to be a lost boy i didnt care if i was a girl), werewolves and vampires. we played in that tree house until it was to dark to play, thats when my dad made us a fire and we played until we couldn't stay awake for another moment; not even for another adventure.
Monday, September 13, 2010
black cat who crossed my path

A black cat crossing your path is a timeless myth and depending in which country your in is not only unlucky but considered an omen of doom, it is not unlucky its VERY bad luck. From there the superstition goes as far as belief that the black cat is a demon in disguise trying to cut off a person’s access to heaven.
The origin of the black cat crossing your path is a mystery, but there are a few ideas about the subject. The silence and smooth characteristics in cats make people shiver and uneasiness of some Christian cultures because of there association to Egyptian religion. From here it was said that cats- and black cats in particular- acted as “familiars” to witches, creatures that are imbibed with an evil, otherworldly sentience that give power to their master.
But in my research i also came across stories where the site of a cat and the crossing in your path is a good thing. In Scotland if a black cat is on your front porch its an omen but the good kind; when this happens the people believe that means good prosperity is on its way. In Italy if you hear a sneeze from a cat it means that good luck will come to you always. If your ever in Japan and you hear about the cat crossing a persons path dont be scared because in japan the myth has an upside and will give good luck to that person. Well, do you still believe that black cats are bad luck?
In Ireland families cats are not allowed in the room if family is having a private talk because it is feared that the cat will spread gossip in the town and cause the families secrets to be revieled. Not only is that bad luck but if you kill a cat in Ireland it brings 17 years bad luck. So if your ever in ireland remember not to kill a cat and never let a cat be in the room when your telling your most darkest secrets... the cat might tell.
So which do you believe? Do you believe a black cat is evil and will bring bad omens to you or do you believe that it will bring prosperity and good fortune... or maybe to you the black cat is a "Familiar".
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Coyote Stories
In the book Myth and Reality i was reading the parts of myths meaning "true stories" and fables being callled "false stories" on page nine it talks about the stories of coyote's, i was taught that you were only allowed to tell coyote stories during winter even though they are false stories, which i thought was interesting that the book says only sacred stories or myths were told around winter.
I also wanted to mention was that coyote stories though are false talk about our creator and how fire was made etc. so it was mentioning true myths within the false story, also to note that all or most coyote stories are supposed to have life lessons about greed and being mean to others etc. they are told to our children from our ancestors so they will learn and follow the lessons later in life.
I also wanted to mention was that coyote stories though are false talk about our creator and how fire was made etc. so it was mentioning true myths within the false story, also to note that all or most coyote stories are supposed to have life lessons about greed and being mean to others etc. they are told to our children from our ancestors so they will learn and follow the lessons later in life.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Sleeping Souls
"It is common rule with primitive people not to waken a sleeper, because his soul is away and might not have time to get back; so if the man wakened without his soul, he would fall sick." - 220 Preface to The Golden Bough.
I finally did my first blog!! I'm so glad I got the last James Frazer book from the bookstore!!
After opening the book and reading that one paragraph I decided to read more about it. In my tribe (Salish, Kootenai, Blackfeet) I learned that your soul can leave your body. I've heard stories from my mother and my great great grandmother saying they saw something terrible in their dream (the dream is what your soul saw outside of your body) before they would tell me the story they would have to eat because if you didnt before telling you dream it would come true. After they tell there stories we would go in the sweat house and prey to the creator to get rid of whatever was troubling us and our families.
I read about other peoples beliefs in the book and found out that some of the stories were similar to ours. I've been listening to the stories of my ancestors and I truly believe what they say about our soul. I believe that our dreams are stories that our soul tells us. We experience them in our sleep and the ones that are terrifying or wonderful, those are the dreams we remember the most.
- Lanette Joseph Myth Blog
I finally did my first blog!! I'm so glad I got the last James Frazer book from the bookstore!!
After opening the book and reading that one paragraph I decided to read more about it. In my tribe (Salish, Kootenai, Blackfeet) I learned that your soul can leave your body. I've heard stories from my mother and my great great grandmother saying they saw something terrible in their dream (the dream is what your soul saw outside of your body) before they would tell me the story they would have to eat because if you didnt before telling you dream it would come true. After they tell there stories we would go in the sweat house and prey to the creator to get rid of whatever was troubling us and our families.
I read about other peoples beliefs in the book and found out that some of the stories were similar to ours. I've been listening to the stories of my ancestors and I truly believe what they say about our soul. I believe that our dreams are stories that our soul tells us. We experience them in our sleep and the ones that are terrifying or wonderful, those are the dreams we remember the most.
- Lanette Joseph Myth Blog
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